Thursday, January 18, 2007

Back to school.

I've been spending the last two days at Cosmopoint, a local college, to attend a 3-day course on Photoshop. There are three of us in a class and I must sayI've been enjoying it. It's a nice change from the office routine and it brings back memories of my college days. Definitely better times. The last-minute assignment rush, the 1am mamak stall visits, the anticipation of coming home for the holidays...

But broke as hell lah.

Life is more 'grown-up' these days but I think the best part (if i had to think of one) about being an 'adult' is having my own money. Instead of asking from my parents for moolah, it's nice to be giving them a little something now and then. The problem is, as we start to make money, we begin the trend of 'It's-never-enough'. The person bringing home RM1K is envious of the person who makes RM2k, who then wants to make at least RM3k but even then, wishes his/her payroll was around RM4k. Can't win, i tell ya.


Two more days to the wedding! No, not mine la. My dress is ready (me likey it very much) and the rehearsal is tomorrow evening. This weekend is all about the bride and groom and I'm very honoured to be a part of it. OMG Pu,you're getting married. So big girl oredi...haha!

In other updates, my internet connection at home has been sucky. How sucky? Put it this way: Chatting with Haw via smoke signals would be faster. Fingers crossed. Macam ok sudah today. Alright peeps, I must go for now. My aunt and cousin from Sydney are arriving today. Time to play the 'grown up' niece!

"Sun is in the sky
Oh why oh why would I wanna be anywhere else?"
- Lily Allen, with the very catchy LDN. And yes, the sun is FINALLY in the KK sky again!

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