It's called the Karimsutra (no points for guessing how to use it). Talk about getting a conversation piece for your new home. Forget Lego. Now THIS is what i call hours of endless fun! But for comfort sake, I think it should be cushioned with PVC or leather or something. You could get some nasty accidents in the heat of the moment, if you know what I mean. Other cool stuff from Mr. Rashid: The Edra. And it's PINK!
Guest:"That's a cool giant kidney bean you have there..."
Me: "I know. Pick a pod and have a seat."
The Kloudchair. I think it swivels. And if it doesn't, I think it should.
And finally, the Worganic.
"To give your home a Dali look." heh heh. Disturbingly distorted makes these a delight!
There are some things I can't quite grasp though. Consider exhibit A:
This, ladies and gents, is what he calls a Pearl Mask. Perfect way of telling your significant other he/she's hideous:
Him: Here you go, honey. Happy Birthday.
Her: Oh Sugar Puff, you shouldn't have!
Him:Well, you did want pearls this year. Here, let me put it on for you.
Her: How does it look?
Him: Really brings out your eyes.
And I bring you, the Schmoo (I'm not making up all these names, really...)
"Prepare the spaceship for take-off, Commander."
And just how fashion-conscious is New York? They have DESIGNER manhole covers, people. You try stepping on one of these babies without being mauled by the fashion powh-leese.
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, so sexy, it hurts..."
-Right Said Fred (who fell off the bed and knocked his head when he wrote this song), I'm Too Sexy.
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