Thursday, October 07, 2004

Shits and giggles.

Just a strange phrase i remember a colleague saying to me. And it wasn't said in the best context mind you. Ok, let's make a long drama-rama short. Basically, we were discussing the science of inter-gender friendships (i dunno if there's such a thing but it sounds quite clever kan?). Anyway, I was telling him how i have plenty of platonic male friends and that they don't have to be complicated (as my colleague believes so). He thinks a true platonic friendship with a girl cannot exist because someone always ends up falling for the other.

Can you imagine if every boy-girl friendship had to face that?

Anyway, he asked me why I bothered being friends with him because he couldn't seem to grasp the concept of a girl who just wants to 'be friends' (Yes, some guys do appear to be from another planet). And hence he said, "Cuz i don't stick around girls for shits and giggles if it's not going to lead to something more."

Yeah, needless to say we now have a very awkward friendship. Because:
a) i just want to be friends and nothing more and he can't comprehend this idea.
b) i'm offended because I like to think i offer more than shits and giggles to a friendship. (i'm starting to get really annoyed with that term....)

So what's a girl to do? You want to be friends - normal friends - and do stuff friends do but at the same time, I don't want him to turn around and say I led him on. Because, lets face it, this guy has a warped idea of boy-girl friendships. I can't change the way he thinks and he can't change mine.

Ah well, can't have 'em all.

Men aside, I read something really interesting in The Star today. Howard University student Jillian Clarke won an Ig Nobel Prize for her 'five-second rule' on dropped food. Get this: Food on the floor is safe to eat as long as it hasn't been on the ground for more than five seconds. Haha, how cool! The bacteria apparently 'jumps' on the food within these five seconds so the longer its on the floor, the dirtier it gets. And, for the record, women are more likely than men to eat food retrieved from the floor.

Proof that we can be just as gross, yeah!

I've eaten a lemon cheesecake off the floor before. Can anyone top that?

And here's what's on the radio right now...
"When you're gone, baby it's time to move on..."
-Kotak Mancis 20 aka Matchbox 20, When You're Gone

1 comment:

LonaDay said...

Actually, I think ALL my guy friends and I share a platonic relationship. ALLLLLLL. Maybe cause I drink beer.