Panas but there's always time to take a photo!

One of our pit stops was Monsopiad Cultural Village. You'd be surprised how many KK folks have no idea where this place is, tsk tsk...

Panas but there's always time to take a photo!
One of our pit stops was Monsopiad Cultural Village. You'd be surprised how many KK folks have no idea where this place is, tsk tsk...
Meet Blanket. Harmless, lovable domesticated pet by day...And ruthless killer by night. Actually, he kills anytime of the day. I have four cats but Blanket takes the crown as the deadliest hunter among them all. He's always been active but the last few days he's been on a killing rampage!
It started with blood trails in the living room and I panicked, thinking one of my cats was injured. And then i heard a 'thump thump' in my brother's room. Lo and behold Blanket was happily tossing a semi-dead sparrow in the air. Feathers everywhere. Dad cleans the mess.
9 hours later, I come home from work and the minute I step in, it doesn't look good. Feathers EVERYWHERE. Up the stairs, in the kitchen, in my mum's bedroom. And just as I feared, Victim #2 (see pic) was lying lifeless near the TV. I clean the mess.
The next day, Blanket gets adventurous and more daring. He leaps and bounds into the living room with a bigger and furrier victim. My parents panic and give chase.
Dad: Suspect is on the move, go go go!
Mum: We have a victim down, calling for back up...
You'll never guess what Blanket caught.
A baby rabbit.
It was still alive albeit freaked out beyond belief when my mum saved it from Blanket's jaws of death. We tried to nurse it back to health. My brother ran out to buy rabbit feed, mum got the basket and blanket (no, not the murdering-cat type ofBlanket) ready. I cuddled it and fell in love in an instant - its a baby rabbit, how could you not? I'm guessing it belongs to someone in the neighbourhood but before I could knock on doors, it died the next morning.
Woe is he who crosses the path of the merciless Blanket.
First of all, I don't carry a backpack with me although my contents might imply otherwise. I'm amazed I lug around this much stuff. Small bags are for wimps, haha.
1. My Feng Shui ally charms. Why not?
2. My pink coin purse, gift from Mia. My wallet can't hold coins.
3. Important meds: Panadol and my allergy pills. I get a bad case of the sneezies sometimes.
4. My thumbdrive. Penting dis.
5. Lipstick holder from China. A gift from one of my bosses.
6. (oops 6 is supposed to the rubber hair tie, forgot to label)
7. My Sonia compact powder.
8. Three lipsticks and lipgloss. I love mixing my lippies to get the perfect shade.
9. Clorets. Bad breath is a big no no.
10. Scholl Refreshing foot spray - I'm very self-conscious about my feet.
11. The bag to hold all my make-up, a gift from Sel.
12. My wallet, my life!
13. Tissue
14. Kacang from MAS. I dunno how that got in there.
15 & 16. My handphones. One for office calls, one for personal calls.
17. Notebook - part of the job.
18. My sunnies. Birthday gift from Haw.
19. Namecard holder
20. Three pens. I have this habit of picking up a pen and chucking it into my bag before i leave the house or the office, just in case I don't already have one in the bag. Hence, three (sometimes four or five) pens. And counting...
There you have it. Wow, I should downsize but I can't think of a single thing I DON'T need in there.
Maybe I'll just bring 2 pens.