Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Pack. Unpack. Pack. Unpack.
But it's almost ten pm on Wednesday and I think i've pretty much finalised my suitcase. For now. Ok, for sure. I leave tomorrow morning so I SHOULD be done. The real challenge in packing for this trip is that I have to consider the cold (in Xi'an) and the tropical (Haikou and Sanya). I hear Hong Kong is somewhere in between. It's really weird to pack your heavy coat and bikini in the same suitcase though...
Anyway, this will be a brief one. Just saying 'tata for now' till I get hold of an internet connection. Yes I will take care, yes I will have fun and yes I will take loads of pictures. Don't miss me too much now...
Monday, March 19, 2007
About time.
Yes, I know it looks like a sanitary pad.
It started with small problems: the screen blanking out. The rubber keypad peeling off. The keys jamming up while I'm sms-ing. And last Friday, it finally kicked the bucket: The aerial went kaput and everytime I flip the damn thing open, my service bar goes down to zero and I can't make/receive any calls or send out/receive any text messages. At first I started cursing my service provider, DiGi (kesian DiGi, kena maki for no reason) but when I switched to my Celcom sim card, I still had the same problem. Simple conclusion: Phone dead.
I secretly rejoiced. Now I officially had a reason to buy a new phone! Sunday I went phone hunting with Sel. Conversation as follows:
Sel: Ok, so what do you want in a phone?
Me: Absoulutely no more flip phones. And I want it in pink. And it has to be a Nokia.
(one hour later)
Me: (paying for my Nokia 6085: a flip phone and NOT pink) Well, at least it's a Nokia.
Sel: Riiiight.

Ladies and gents, I present to you my new lifeline.
I am so damn sakai. This is officially the first phone I've ever owned that has a camera, MMS, Bluetooth and plays real tunes (not those generic polyphonic ring ring ones....Hey, this is exciting stuff for me, ok?). It might not be pink but to make up for that, I bought a pink bag thingy to keep the phone in, heh. Oh and it even comes with a 1 gig memory card. I dunno what I need a 1 gig memory card for but I'm pretty sure I'll figure it out.
When I told Haw about my new phone, he was impressed but remained loyal to his no fuss no muss handphone. "I don't need all those extras," he said and, knowing him, I believe him. If he had his way, I bet you Mr. Simplicity would even settle for a blanket and a bonfire to get his message across. But I know what he means: All you really need a phone for is a) to make phonecalls and b)send text messages. Everything else is icing on the cake.
But I still think my real music ringing tone is SO cool.
I'm gonna go ooh and aah at my phone some more...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
On the go.
For those not in the know, I'll be flying to China and Hong Kong (which is technically still China but we won't go into that) on March 22nd right up till the 1st of April. No, my imaginary millionaire sugar daddy isn't whisking me away, rather it's a trip with the bosses. Whatever it is, we're probably thinking the same thing : FREE TRIP! And yes, I am excited about it. We'll be going to Xian (home of the Terracotta warriors - if you don't know who they are, go Google already) which I heard is c-c-c-cold this time of the year.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Why bah.

Thursday, March 08, 2007
Streamyx, we have a problem...
And will be back once I kick some streamyx ass.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Friday night bla blas.
Ok, my life in random order:
1. My relatives from Manila are visiting this weekend. I took Monday and Tuesday off so I could spend more time with them, seeing this is their first time to KK. Gonna hit the islands, have loads of seafood and just forget about work for a couple of days (ok, i lied. I brought some work home...)
2. I saw a car accident happen right before my very eyes this evening as I was driving home from dinner. This red car was zipping through the lanes, overtaking everyone and then after it passed me, it just flipped over the divider and crashed into the bus stop on the other side of the road! My heart was beating so fast and I hope to God the guy was wearing a seatbelt because the car was smashed up pretty bad. If I'm shaken up watching that, imagine what the guy inside must be going though...
3. I came home from work at 10pm last night to have my mum tell me my cat Sabrina has been missing 24 hours. It never came home for meals or nap time. So off i went hunting with my torchlight, calling for Sabrina around my neighbourhood. I had so many awful thoughts in my head. After some time, I gave up and realised how physically exhausted I was. Unfortunately, my mind couldn't switch off all night, worrying about my sayang.
4. .....Sabrina shows up in the morning, unscathed.
5. Two meetings today. Nuff said.
6. I have to get my passport done on Monday. You'll have to stay tuned to see where Fridaycat is headed!
7. I'm kinda addicted to Katherine McPhee's 'Over It', her single from her debut album. I've never been a fan of hers and this song isn't gonna blow you away. But maybe it's just because I relate to the song more than I realise. Have a listen.
8. My cubby's experiencing some bad weather in Toronto now. In fact classes have been cancelled due to the snow storms and they even had their power supply interrupted (I think it still is). No chat tonight then. I hope he bundles up.
I think i'll watch a dvd now. Yep, another exciting night for this sleepy cat.
"Moving on, it's my time. You never were a friend of mine."
-Katharine McPhee (of American Idol fame), 'Over It'