I need a drink.
It's been my mantra for the past seven days and today I VOW not to have one. And I'm not talking about your average joy juice here. I'm not proud with my drinking spree but it's been one of those weeks where everyday is a 'I Need A Drink' Day. Somehow, I find comfort in my glass of *insert alcohol beverage here* and it just sweeps my troubles away. I'll drink till I reach just the right amount of 'happy' and I go home and sleep all my troubles away. Someone said that somewhere inside me is an alcoholic in denial but I don't think it's that serious. I just like my drinks. Perhaps it's because during all my troubled times, I've resorted to the bottle and eventually, I get back to my normal state (whatever that is) therefore, I associate solving problems with drinking.Ai, doesn't sound so good once I see that in writing after all.But no, I don't need professional help and I know some of you are concerned. I just like my drinks - especially coupled with good company and reliable drivers, ehem. An ex-boyfriend once told me, "This too shall pass" (as he did, haha) and it's a good reminder whenever things get tough in life. So in the meantime.... Cheers!
If only happiness really came in a box...
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