The photos have arrived! So here, forever immortalised, are some (the whole collection is like beribu-ribu lemon...Can't post 'em all up!) of the excellent shots taken by our photographer for the day, Anna-Rina Rahim. Looking at these pics, Haw and I still can't believe we finally pulled it off. Blood, sweat and oh-the-tears, it all paid off! This post is also dedicated to my family and friends who made the day nothing short of special. Enjoy!
*Warning: Photos aplenty to follow.

My dresses and shoes were custom made by Pretty In White.

My cat Blanket unfazed by the day's events.

The husband and the Best Man

My bridal party -in pink of course. Thank you my sayangs for layaning my pinkiness!

We did the traditional Filipino rites during the mass as a tribute to my Filipino heritage.

My cousins from Manila, Sydney, Melbourne and Jakarta all came down for the wedding. It's been ages since we all got together.

The Leong cousins and their plus ones - Thank you for being awesome. Couldn't have done it without you :)

I love this shot of cha-poh and my sister in law, Huey Huey :)

My sister Carmen and her husband Nick during the Chinese Tea Ceremony.

Would you believe the boys wouldn't jump so we had to get the girls to jump on the bed? It's part of a Chinese tradition to encourage, er, the multiplication of the family, haha.

We had to put on the 'cheese' as Anna-Rina says it :)

We gave measuring spoons to each guest with "A spoonful of love" engraved

A photo board at the ballroom foyer with pics of us, family and friends.

Walk and wave? Please, what are we, the Royal Family? We danced to Smashmouth's "I Can't Get Enough Of You Baby" during our entrance, accompanied by our friends!

Haw performed with his band, 4AG, that night. Rock on!

Surrounded by great friends all day long!

My Monash buddies - thanks for coming down to KK peeps. Me so touched.

Some things will never change :) Love you all.

Yo whaddup G?

Thanks for watching. Much love, Mel and Haw.