Our boat was called Magic Moments and we departed from the Sutera Harbour Marina at around 8:45am. Bad news: It looked like rain *but* Good news: It wasn't scorching hot. Win some, lose some.
Here we are, leaving the jetty. The sea still nice and calm. Our 'sifu' for the day, briefing us on the itinerary and what to expect. "Ok, siapa mau muntah, just lean over the railing..."
I popped in a motion sickness pill (instruction says to take it half hour before we hit the sea) jusssst in case. Our journey was Mengalum, a fishing spot some two hours from the jetty. So what do you do to kill time? Take a picturegraph! Me and David, trying not to turn into the various shades of green as seen on his shirt.
The clouds looming ahead did not look promising. In fact, the ride got bumpier and the waves were definitely getting bigger. I could almost hear everyone's stomach churning and I was gripping my seat so tight, my knuckles turned white. Mr. Boatman advised that it wasn't a good idea to head to Mengalum (thank God, I couldn't imagine going through that ride for another hour and a half!) so we detoured.
Once there (don't ask me where, we didn't have exactly have signboards to show the way...) , Sifu showed us the what, when and hows of deep sea fishing. "This is a fishing rod. If you 'champion' like me, you can use one hand only to hold...see?" heh heh. Once the boat stopped, it starts swaying and bobbing around even more so let's just say the fish in the sea had plenty of .... regurgitated food to eat that day.
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