Monday, August 31, 2009

Mel's 2-minute Merdeka Post.

Your childish politicians.

Your questionable policies.

Your colourful people.

Your awesome food.

Your occasional ignorance.

Your breathtaking beaches and sunsets.

Your inability to have clean public toilets.

Your selfishness.

Your giving heart.

Your misplaced pride.

Your humility.

Your harmony.

Your racial bias.

Your over-priced locally-made cars.

Your strange goals and achievements (biggest roti canai? teh tarik in space?)

Your reigning peace.

Your normalcy.

Good and bad, you make up the only home I have. And even though we all have the option of leaving, I'm not going anywhere. If that's not love, Malaysia, I don't know what it is.

Happy Merdeka.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello, New Day!

Yes, I've been quiet.

Because I've been taking the time to absorb this moment. And because, quite frankly, there are no words to describe this feeling. I've been met with various reactions with my decision to leave my job but only one opinion matters most: Mine.

And I am happy. I feel like for the first time since I started working, I'm finally taking control of my life and career. I never imagined that freefalling from my 9 to 5 desk job would feel so good! And as I celebrate the first of (hopefully) many brighter Mondays to come, I received this from Mia - The Eight Irresistable Principles of Fun. I loved it - Hope it inspires you too!

Monday, August 03, 2009


No, I haven't forgotten what a bitch August can be. Let me refresh your memory.

Well, slap my ass and call me a donkey's uncle because I never imagined August and I would finally be on good terms.

This year, I can finally say August brings more yays than nays. After so many years of break-ups, goodbyes, difficult transitions and just plain bad luck, the tides are changing. Instead of flinching as I flipped the calendar on my desk, I felt relieved and blessed. First of all, I'm still enjoying the warm afterglow of getting engaged (yes, you're gonna have to put up with my incessant mushiness for now - what, would you rather I go all "Oh woe is me!" day in day out?). It's digusting how loved up I feel and if I get anymore sentimental, butterflies are gonna come out of my nose. Other than that, I'm finally counting the days to a new chapter in my career.

Oh, did I not mention that I was leaving?

My Company, bless her soul, has been lovely thus far but greener pastures call. Coupled with the long drawn out dilemma of 'Where am I going with this job?' and being passed on for a promotion, I'd say my time here is up. I am grateful for all I have gained but as I touch 30 and enter a new phase in my life, I think a new job is just the icing I need.

I have 19 days to go and its a flurry of emotions. But I think its a good sign that I am happier than I am sad to move on. I won't be sad, but nostalgic most definitely. And August also means I am a month away from my long-awaited holiday to Manila with Haw - I can't wait to introduce him to my family.

So yes, August, thanks for finally cutting me some slack. I know you might have some surprises up your sleeve but it's nothing I can't handle. So we cool, right?