The HOG Rally is in town! No, it's not a bunch of squealing oinkers. HOG stands for Harley Owners' Group and this year, Sabah is the host for the 5th Malaysia National HOG Rally. Now I've never been quite the biker chick but seeing these babies up close is pretty exciting stuff. Yes, I discriminate: I find those 'kap chai' bikes damn annoying but you can put me on a Harley any day!
From the 29th of May to the 2nd of June, here is your chance to meet and greet real-life biker 'dudes' AND 'chicks' - yep, leather and tattoos and all! A majority of them are from around Malaysia but we also have a handful from the US, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and Australia to name a few. My company is one of the organisers and handlers so I have the privilege of traipsing around the West Coast of Sabah with them. 
Biker chick in the making?
Closer to KK, you can catch them at Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort this Sunday, 1st June during their charity run. There will be bike auctions, rides for the orphans and many other activities. 
I took this on our way back from Tenom, one of the routes during the rally. How absolutely awesome to trailblaze those hilly roads on a Harley!
On Saturday, they'll be making their way to Kundasang Memorial Park and Kota Belud. So if you see a huge convoy of Harleys, give them a big, fat, warm welcome - Sabah style! They're pretty hard to miss. Ok, I'm off to Kundasang!