You have no idea what a slice of heaven this moment is for me.
The phone isn't ringing. No voices yapping away. No meetings. No demanding e-mails. And no boss shouting, "You should know better!" 500 times.
I'm not fishing for sympathy here. Everyone gets busy. All I REALLY want is for the world to leave me alone. At least until May is over.
In the meantime, when I DO have some 'me' time, I like to be one with the couch and exercise my channel surfing skills. Let me take you to my world:

I'm not sure if Anna Paquin would've been my first choice to play Sookie Stackhouse but so far so good. know how sometimes you have an inexplicable fascination with Britney Spears, The Cheeky Girls (remember them?) and that annoying Frog Song? Here's my current inexplicable fascination:

This is next on my list: