Four: Tim Burton. He is so fantastically weird and I've loved him since his Beetlejuice days.
Five: Helena Bonham-Carter. Any woman who is believable as a monkey (Planet of the Apes in case u forgot) is good in my books. Also the fantastically weird wife of Tim Burton.
Six: It's a musical. I'm a sucker for people breaking out into song every ten minutes. So sue me. And Johnny Depp can sing! Sigh. Me so love.
Seven: It's a period piece with over the top make-up and costumes. And London really looks like shit here.
Eight: The unpredictable ending. Don't expect them to ride into the sunset hand in hand happily ever after, ok.
Nine: Sacha Baron Cohen. Yep it's Borat in tights! You won't be able to miss him.
Ten: Johnny Depp.
Like everything else in life, I suppose preference is subjective. I might like peas and carrots and you might think dog food sounds more appetizing. Same with this movie. Yeah, Sweeney Todd is an acquired taste but I didn't think it was so bad that it warranted people to actually WALK OUT of the cinema halfway.
How stupid is that? And it really annoyed me that everytime they broke out into song, the audience would moan. Hello people. It's a MUSICAL. Educate yourself a bit la before you buy the ticket. If you hate people singing in movies, go watch Rambo. Or if you REALLY wanna waste your time, go and watch Gabriel. Don't ruin the movie experience for the rest of us who actually enjoy musicals or Johnny Depp wearing make-up.
The verdict: It's not everyone's cup of tea. And be warned, it's bloody and surprisingly, the censors went easy on this one. Watch it if you enjoy stuff like Moulin Rouge and Hairspray (duh) except,er, with more blood and people being chopped up and stuffed into pies. Nice.