Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Maggi mee for lunch.

Some days, i give up wondering what i should have for lunch. Today is one of those days. Hence, i had maggi mee, perisa ayam no less. And then my boss invites me for lunch Part 2, in which i ended up walking to Centrepoint with her and grabbing a grilled lamb kebab. Made me think: Maggi who? Yes, i am such an oinker but it would have been rude of me to decline my boss's invitation.

Yes, ok and also the fact that i am indeed an oinker.

I cleaned my keyboard today. I just figured out that i can actually pluck each and every key out from the keyboard and polish them one by one! And you don't wanna know the things that were breeding beneath the keys. I found:

1. hair
2. dust balls
3. crunchy noodles
4. insect droppings
5. insects

...Add a pinch of salt and bring to a boil. haha. I was told that they've NEVER cleaned the keyboard since they bought it. And that's like three years now. Gross. I polished each and every key and now, my keyboard is glistening! It even smells new (i used some sort of disinfectant to get that clean smell). If i had a digital camera, i'd post a pic of my keyboard right here! Once i started cleaning, my colleague got fascinated and started cleaning hers too. Thing is, my fingers are a bit red and sore from plucking and polishing. Ah well, well worth the trouble. In fact, I'm gonna go home and clean my keyboard there! - i'm not lifeless, just...methodically clean.

Today, I am also going to watch mindless TV. Have you seen Manhunt on Astro? I find it both appalling and amazing at how self-absorbed some people can be. And strangely, all these people live in the state of D-E-N-I-A-L. "They don't know it yet...But they're gonna be so sorry they eliminated me because, like, i'm gonna be the next big thing...You'll see..." and then his pouty lips start to tremble and his eyes well up but in true 'man' style, holds it back, runs his hand through his hair and turns away from the camera. Uh yeah, ok. Can you blame me for watching this stuff? Ok, besides the blinding fact that most of them are pretty hot (Hey same reason you men watch America's Next Top Model and Baywatch, so no finger pointing).

And now they're gonna show Outback Jack - 12 hot chicks and 1 hubba hubba. Mission: hot chicks chucked in the Outback must get hubba hubba's attention. Brainpower needed to watch this: minus 20. Ratings: sky high. Will i watch it: High possibility - stay tuned.

"When I wake up in my makeup, It's too early for that dress,
Wilted and faded somewhere in Hollywood
I'm glad I came here, With your pound of flesh
No second billing cause you're a star now
Oh, Cinderella, They aren't sluts like you"
- Hole, Celebrity Skin.

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