Thursday, September 02, 2004

Burn, baby, burn.

I spent National Day at Manukan island. I lounged on the sand, enjoyed the South China Sea and had an amazing time just soaking up what the island had to offer. All this just 15 minutes away from the city...How can you not love KK? I made a mental note to spend more 'quality time' with the islands. I had fun writing my name in the sand, looking for fishies, skipping stones on the water (it's all in the wrist) and reading Coelho's 'Eleven Minutes' while roasting under the sun. You know, i kept applying tanning oil every few minutes and turning over to get an even colour. I felt like a lamb roasting over an open fire...You know how you keep turning it around? heh heh. Maybe i'll finally get a tan. Oh, speaking of which, i tried my very best to get some colour whilst on the island. I dunno about colour but i have a nasty burn on my shoulder. Ah well.

By the way, i must apologise for the blah-ness of my blog. I still haven't bothered to to learn how to add links etc etc. Been trying to figure out how to add the links to Sellie's and Yollie's blogs. Yeah i'm so damn sakai, i know.

Am sitting in the office, and here's what Alicia's talking about right now.

"I keep on falling in and out of love with you.
I never loved someone, way that I love you."
Miss Keys.

Ok my sunburn's killing me. over n out.


LonaDay said...

hey, cat. having problems with my blog now. cant seem to publish. howzit going? see you soon!

pu said...

woi blog la!